Shipping Policies

  1. Quoted orders do not include shipping charges.
  2. All shipping and handling charges are the responsibility of the account.
  3. Shipped items may not be cancelled.
  4. For security purposes, all items will be shipped to the address provided during account set-up. To have an item shipped to an alternate address, the new alternate address this must be faxed to us on the account’s company letterhead.
  5. All shipped items are price-locked on the day of shipment. Fluctuation of metal market prices may cause a minor fluctuation in final price of items.
  6. Undeliverable, unclaimed or refused items due to account negligence/absence or incorrect account information will be subject to an $12.50 refusal/re-route fee. If account wishes for the item to be reshipped, they will incur a second shipping charge. If account DOES NOT wish item to re-shipped, they will be subject a 15%-30% re-stocking fee, plus additional charges to cover all labor(s) and loss(s) of materials used during scheduled production.
  7. After the 3rd attempt all packages will be returned to sender due to insurance commitment.
  8. The following shipping options are as follows;

Fedex, ups, ferrari